Betty Mae

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If I’m honest, I am truly in my glory.

Yes ok, it's a beautiful day. The sun is streaming down, the birds are chirping, the IPA is frosty. But more importantly, we have weeds!!!

Yes, weeds. You see, I love weeding.
Who knew?

Granted, someone who loves weeding is like that annoying roommate who calls themselves a morning person. It’s right up there with adoring vacuuming and washing windows or getting a rush from organizing the spice drawer or tool chest.

Weed. Ing.
Weird. Ness.

I like it. So there. And for any of you who have known this (strength? quirk? flaw?) about me, perhaps from our very first meeting or session, thanks for noticing!

Redemption follows, maybe?

There is something significant in weeding, despite its bad rap. Pause with me for a moment. Ponder this. Search it out a little further. Ok, just humour me!

I love taking hold right at that spot where the 'seen' and ‘unseen’ parts of the weed meet.

Then that moment. Gently coaxing… finally, the energetic pull until the whole thing lets go, root fully attached, right to the core! 

Ahhhhhhhh…… yes.

The deep satisfaction of the full and thorough removal of that which we do not desire.

Now do you see my point about weeding?

Do you have weeds in the garden of your life? Do you see and feel them popping up? Do you try to pull them, but top breaks off and you never get to the root? It just grows stronger and stronger with every broken attempt.

I’ve been there. I know it as well as anyone. I’ve always been my own harshest critic. I’ve had life pains.

Are the weeds taking over the garden of your mind? Thoughts that won’t relent?

Do you believe it doesn’t have to be this way? That it can change? That you can change?

I am quite convinced that too many haven’t addressed the weeds in their minds and lives because they have approached them from a number of not-so-helpful angles. Various step programs. Sheer will power. Trying over and over. Drinking the right potion. Positive thinking.

The thing that needs to change in our weeds is deeply internal. They cannot fully release without getting right to the core.

It begins with awareness of your energy within a given part of your life or thoughts. And when you start to observe repeated patterns of drawing-down or slumping or draining, you know you have a weed!

Pulling the weeds, including their roots, is hard to do by oneself, at least to begin with. We need external feedback and reflection as we learn to self-observe. But it can be learned! And then it can become a wonderful and very practical habit of understanding and release!

Could you use some help with your weeding this summer?

It is my greatest joy to see this happen in people’s lives, in their bodies and hearts. Call me. I’d love to help you live free.

– Betty Mae